Virtual Leadership Skills & Managing a Digital

Critical Issues in Virtual Leadership and Managing a Digital Workforce:

  • Tracking remote employee performance
  • Keeping Employees motivated.
  • Lack of trust and cohesion within your team
  • Communication problems

This online training will demystify how AI-based simulation can help in supply chain planning during coronavirus.

Today’s digital workplace has changed the way leaders and managers need to lead and manage their dispersed workforces. No longer are teams colocated in the same office or building. Having to lead and manage this dispersed workforce needs us to do so over distance, time zones, cultures, and using various digital and virtual technologies to achieve results. As a business leader and manager, you need to develop virtual fluency – the ability to connect, communicate, and collaborate virtually with virtual teams and remote employees.

You can no longer rely on the core skills that co-located teams require – virtual teams and remote employees require a different approach, clarity and engagement if they are to perform well.

  • Develop virtual fluency to lead virtual teams and manage remote workers.

  • Learn how to effectively connect, communicate, and collaborate in a digital workplace.

  • Create and engage in high performing virtual teams.

  • Identify the roles, agreements, and platforms needed to support virtual teams and remote staff.

  • Overcome the challenges of leading and managing virtually.

Program content is highly recommended for businesses that are planning to go virtual and work remotely.

Online eLearning via webinar.
